Singer Carman diagnosed with Cancer Charisma House and Jonathan Cahn issue statement concerning possible lawsuit against David James author of The Harbinger-Fact or Fiction?? Wow, now Christians or so-called Christians want to sue people who question their teachings My interview with David James can be heard on Blog Talk Radio Steve Munsey’s Church on Life Support ( a true case of “seed faith’ gone wild-he finally reaped what he sowed Eddie Long victim Centino Kemp writes tell all book Gay “Christian” Debauchery-sex class?? Dead Roses-The Seduction of American Christianity Babylon On Display John Hagee to Rabbi’s-Keep your children unsaved How To Manipulate a Bloke into Revival Joel Osteen and Rick Warren to speak for Oprah’s Life Class Paul Crouch-Get in TBN’s way and you DIE Beth Moore’s demonic vision about the Catholic church Does the Vatican still condemn Christians?? Never forget the Inquisition!! America for Jesus-A national solemn assembly for which Jesus? TBN REBUKED by Federal JUDGE For Vexing Grand-daughter Sex, Lies, and Television-TBN Granddaughter exposes corruption Jimmy Swaggart “Ministries” threaten lawsuit to internet website exposing corruption Jefferson Lies-Pulled from bookshelves by Thomas Nelson over David Barton’s false tales about American History –